Event lighting and these guys.

I am really excited to share that I will be working on a promotional video as well as new website for Blue Ridge Light Forms....they are an amazing event lighting company out of Charlottesville. I have been following them around at their set ups here in Virginia, including the local debut of Tresca on 8th in downtown Lynchburg. I had no idea how much goes into the preparation of these lighting fixtures. BRLF's can build anything the mind can imagine...and from scratch. I cannot wait to show you the final product! Below are some frame grabs from some of their recent setups. This past weekend they were hired to create the lighting for the Boy and Girls Club's annual black tie event.

Terry Bradshaw and Howie Long from Shaking Hands Productions on Vimeo.

Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw were among some of the distinguished guests that night. I pulled them aside for some quick comments on BRLF's amazing set up....just a funny little snippet from their full comments.